

24.03. - 30.03. 2025

Gradska galery KC Grad Belgrade

"Interpolation Rings" Artifacts Exhibition

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Fairies in Bionic Convergence 

The project is based on idea of transmedial art. Using the technique  realtime system is developed in which all the elements  are mutualy interactive and comunicating. The theme is mythology and the goal is to transfer from political mythomani to traditional forgotten myths. Fairies are gone because of the noise and the trash. This story is attempt to bring them back, using new technologies.

New digital technologies are basis tocreate theatre magic, that developes new way of creation. Aim of the project is to transform body movement to sound, using the technology. Performers influence video and sound through body movements and michrophones. This transmedial experimental project is a pioneer research in our country.

Nikola Jeremic lives and works in Berlin as sound designer. He will be developing this experimental project with us in the future. 

Photo: Lidija Antonovic

Concept and director: Nela Antonovic
Live music: Nikola Jeremic
Video support: Lidija Antonovic
Performers: Nikola Vranic, Predrag Radovancevic, Branislav Jeremic, Ana Bastac, Miona Petrovic, Ivana Koraksic 

Supported by:
Pro Helvetia , Station – Servis for Contemporary Dance. 

Press “Fairies arround us” October 16th 2007 “Danas” 

“In imaginary forrest, that is supposed to be oasis of clean air and fairies home, not everything is romantic, so as in the real world. Poluting the forest with bottles and smoke, girl  “enjoys” the advantages of nature. And fairies around her performes their sensitive dance in which their figures are dissolved on shadows and blury video projections, sugesting pure biological apperiance in non-protected nature. That “disolution” of their physicus on the shadows and strange video projections can be undestood as analisys of forest beings, their passions and attractions. In that process dominates synthesis of expresive movements, sugestive sound and impessive visual reflections.

Milica Zajcev